Global Demand Soars for Light Steel Keel: Exploring the International Market Trends

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Foreign demand for light steel keel
20 08, 2024

Witness the escalating international demand for light steel keel as it becomes a preferred choice for modern construction and interior design projects worldwide. Explore the reasons behind this growing popularity, including its versatility, durability, and eco-friendliness. Discover the key markets driving the demand for light steel keel, from Europe and North America to Asia and the Middle East. Analyze the latest market trends, including advancements in technology, changes in consumer preferences, and the impact of regulatory policies on the industry. Learn how to tap into this thriving global market and capitalize on the growing demand for light steel keel.

In recent years, driven by favorable policies such as the "Belt and Road" initiative, the export of light steel keel has shown an increasing trend.

According to statistics from the General Administration of Customs, from January to March 2023, the export volume of domestic steel reached 20.081 million tons, with an export value of 172.94 billion yuan, achieving rapid growth compared to 2022. The export volume increased by 53.2% year-on-year, and the export value rose by 47.4% year-on-year. As one of the steel products, light steel keel occupies an important position in the export of infrastructure and engineering machinery-related categories, becoming an indispensable "necessity" for the construction and development of a group of emerging countries.

For example, a steel product manufacturing enterprise served by Yunquna produces hundreds of thousands of tons of light steel keel every year, exported to the Middle East, India and Pakistan, Southeast Asia, Latin America, Africa, and other regions, ensuring the normal supply of local schools, residences, hospitals, office buildings, and other construction projects.

However, the export of light steel keel also faces some challenges. As a basic building material for ceilings, light steel keel has a lightweight single piece, a large number of products per box, and high strength. But during transportation, it may be damaged due to strong jolting or getting wet from rain; during loading and unloading, it may also lose the galvanized layer due to collision and friction with the vehicle body and ship body, thereby affecting its anti-corrosion and rust resistance performance and reducing the quality of exported goods. Therefore, it is necessary to control the transportation process in the export process, including using unified standards for packaging, handling, and placement, doing a good job in moisture-proof treatment, evenly loading to ensure driving safety, and marking types to avoid confusion.

The demand and standards for light steel keel may also vary in different countries and regions. Export companies need to understand the relevant regulations and requirements of the target market to ensure that products comply with local standards. At the same time, having a certain brand visibility, product quality, price competitiveness, and quality service support can also help to gain more opportunities in the international market.

If you want to understand more detailed export data or situations of light steel keel, it is recommended to consult relevant industry reports, customs data, or consult professional trade organizations.

The demand for light steel keel varies by region and field of application abroad.

In some developed countries and regions, the application of light steel keel in the construction industry is relatively extensive. For example, Australia mainly uses the cold-formed thin-walled light steel structure system, which is widely used in residential construction due to its environmental protection and fast construction speed, good seismic performance, and other advantages. The construction volume of its steel structure buildings accounts for about 50% of all new residential buildings. The United States also has a lot of multi-story hotels and apartments using light steel structure. In Japan, steel structure buildings are mostly integrated by large enterprise groups, and by the end of the 20th century, the proportion of steel structure in prefabricated assembled residential buildings reached 71%.

In Northern European countries such as Finland, there is a light steel keel structure system using termo keel, which is used for detached houses. This system uses hot-dip galvanized thin-walled steel plate to make keels, and the frame has good thermal insulation performance, which can greatly reduce energy consumption.

Light steel keel has the characteristics of being lightweight, high-strength, easy to construct, environmentally friendly, and energy-saving, which can meet the needs of different regions and projects. It has application prospects in the fields of residential, commercial buildings, public facilities, etc., including ceilings, partition walls, floor systems, etc.

The growth of construction demand in developing countries also provides market opportunities for light steel keel. With the development of globalization, the international market for light steel keel is expected to further expand. Especially under the promotion of policies such as the "Belt and Road" initiative, the demand for building materials such as light steel keel in some emerging countries is increasing, and light steel keel can be used to ensure the normal supply of local schools, residences, hospitals, office buildings, and other construction projects.

However, the demand for light steel keel in different countries and regions is also affected by various factors, such as local building codes and standards, economic development level, consumer preferences, market competition, etc. To accurately understand the demand situation of a specific country or region, it is recommended to conduct detailed market research and analysis.
