The Comprehensive Guide to Using Light Steel Keel: A Step-by-Step Method for Seamless Installation

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General method of using light steel keel
20 08, 2024

Uncover the general method of using light steel keel for a seamless and efficient installation process. Learn the fundamental steps, from planning and preparation to installation and finishing, that ensure optimal results. Discover tips and tricks for measuring and cutting the steel keels accurately, aligning them precisely, and securing them firmly in place. Understand the importance of proper bracing and reinforcement to ensure structural integrity. Explore the various types of light steel keel systems and how to choose the right one for your project. With this comprehensive guide, master the art of using light steel keel and elevate your construction projects to new heights.

Here is the general method of using light steel keel:

1. **Construction Preparation**

   - Prepare the required light steel keel and accessories, such as main keel, secondary keel, hanging pieces, and connecting pieces.

   - Ensure the construction site is clean, flat, and has good working conditions.

   - Measure the size of the construction area and determine the layout plan of the keel.

2. **Positioning and Laying Out**

   - According to the design requirements, snap the installation position lines of the keel on the ceiling or wall, including horizontal and vertical lines.

3. **Installing Hangers**

   - Drill holes in the ceiling and install expansion bolts or hangers.

   - The spacing of the hangers should be determined according to the type of keel and the load-bearing requirements, usually not more than 1200 millimeters.

4. **Installing Main Keel**

   - Suspend the main keel on the hangers through hanging pieces.

   - The spacing of the main keel is generally 900-1200 millimeters.

   - The main keel should be kept parallel, and the joints of adjacent main keels should be staggered.

5. **Installing Secondary Keel**

   - The secondary keel is connected to the main keel through connecting pieces.

   - The spacing of the secondary keel is usually 300-600 millimeters, determined according to the size of the panel and design requirements.

6. **Leveling the Keel**

   - Use tools such as a level or straightedge to level the keel, ensuring the entire keel system is flat.

7. **Installing Lining Panels**

   - Install lining panels such as plasterboard or aluminum panels on the leveled keel.

   - Pay attention to the tightness of the panel joints and secure fixing during installation.

8. **Post-installation Processing**

   - Check the installed lining panels and deal with panel seams, nail holes, etc.

In the actual construction process, operations should be strictly carried out in accordance with relevant specifications and design requirements to ensure the stability and safety of the light steel keel system.

Here is the method of using light steel keel for partition walls:

1. **Construction Preparation**

   - Prepare the required light steel keel for partition walls and accessories, such as top and bottom keel, vertical keel, through keel, support card, and connecting pieces.

   - Clean up the construction site to ensure the walls and floor are flat and clean.

2. **Positioning and Laying Out**

   - According to the design drawings, snap the position lines of the partition walls on the ground, walls, and ceiling.

3. **Installing Top and Bottom Keel**

   - Along the snapped lines, use expansion bolts or nail guns to fix the top and bottom keel to the ground and ceiling.

4. **Installing Vertical Keel**

   - Insert the vertical keel into the groove of the top and bottom keel, keeping it vertical.

   - The spacing of the vertical keel is generally 400-600 millimeters, determined according to the design requirements.

   - Use support cards to fix the vertical keel to the top and bottom keel.

5. **Installing Through Keel (if necessary)**

   - When the height of the partition wall exceeds 3 meters, a through keel is usually required.

   - Pass the through keel through the through hole of the vertical keel and fix it with connecting pieces.

6. **Adjusting the Keel**

   - Use tools such as a straightedge or plumb line to check the verticality and flatness of the keel.

   - Adjust promptly if there is any deviation.

7. **Laying Electrical Pipes**

   - After the keel is installed, if necessary, lay electrical pipes in the cavity of the keel.

8. **Filling Soundproofing and Fireproofing Materials (if necessary)**

   - According to the functional requirements of the partition wall, fill the cavity of the keel with soundproofing cotton, fireproof rock wool, and other materials.

9. **Installing Cover Panels**

   - Install plasterboard or other panels on one side of the keel and fix them with self-tapping screws.

   - The splicing of the panels should be tight and flat.

10. **Seam Treatment**

    - Treat the seams of the panels, such as filling seam paste and pasting seam paper tape.

It is important to note that during the construction process, strict adherence to construction specifications and safety operating procedures is necessary to ensure the quality and stability of the partition wall
